Breaking the Ice

 Breaking the Ice

 Paige has reached the pinnacle of her aspirations by joining the medical team of the Rangers, the iconic New York hockey team. Beyond the initial astonishment of being around the stars she used to admire on screen, she fully embraces this unprecedented experience. Despite a fulfilling professional life, her love life is far from perfect, an aspect Paige prefers not to dwell on given her busy schedule and the contractual restrictions preventing her from dating a colleague or a player -icebreaker book-. Everything seems under control until Soren Pettersen joined the team. Charming, talented, enigmatic, and irresistible, Soren severely tests Paige's resolve to maintain a strictly professional relationship.icebreaker book Faced with the prohibition of yielding to their feelings to protect their careers, they must adhere to one simple rule: follow the guidelines. However, breaking these prohibitions has never seemed so tempting.

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Knowledge Today
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