Colleen Hoover Novel's - free downloed

Colleen Hoover Novel's

Colleen Hoover was born on December 11, 1979 in Sulfur Springs, Texas. He grew up in Saltillo, Texas, where he graduated from high school (1998). She received her degree in social work from Texas A&M University. She then worked in various social and teaching positions until she began her writing career. Colleen Hoover is the author of 7 novels and a novella, all classified in the Young Adult genre. He has sold more than 20 million books and is now the best-selling novelist in America, with a huge audience. She self-published the novel "Slammed" in February 2012, which reached number 8 on The New York Times bestseller list in August of the same year. The novel "Hopeless" was published in December 2012. On January 20, it reached Top 1 on The New York Times best seller list, becoming the first self-published novel on the list The book "Never Again" was published in 2016. The novel deals with domestic violence and was written in support of the victims. Colleen Hoover's own experience as a victim of domestic violence as a child is the basis for the story. "Never Again" shot to No. 1 on The New York Times bestseller list, thanks in part to the TikTok community. The novel has sold more than a million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than twenty languages.


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